Thank you for visiting our website. Please feel free to contact us at 860-229-4900 or 1-888-847-4422 (Email: henrymagandson@aol.com) for Uniform availability and prices.
You can also place orders over the phone with a credit card.
We still offer contactless pickup if needed.
If you are planning to visit us anytime from May 26th through June 3rd please call ahead and check our daily hours during this time period. They may vary from day to day.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Stay healthy & safe!!
Choose from dress, station and flame retardant for fire departments, Hi Viz for EMT, rescue, utility workers, disaster blankets, school uniforms, scrubs and medical, BDU military, industrial, golf, tee and sweatshirts, career apparel, 70E OSHA mandated ARC FR rated, kitchen, culinary, public safety garments and boots and shoes for dress, work and safety. Logo'ed knives and custom hats with embroidery raise your staff's morale and make great gifts. Rental and lease programs that are individually tailored at low weekly rates save you the initial investment of creating or continuing a program. Enhanced by emblems, embroidery and silk screening your plan will generate sales and awards. We, the Mag family would appreciate hearing from you. Thank you for visiting our website! Call Mag & Son at 888.847.4422, today!Or, email us at henrymagandson@aol.com.Click here to view our Supplier CatalogsINTERNATIONAL SALES & SHIPPING!!